Day Care

dog days day carePlease click HERE and you will be taken to Facebook for more fun shots.

All dogs 6 months or older must be altered to attend daycare or boarding!!!!!



dog days day careDog Days’ daycare is a full day of supervised play in our Daycare facility. At Dog Days of Birmingham your dog will not be sitting in a concrete run with chain length fence surrounding them all day and a couple of times a day they get a few minutes of play time. We play with your dogs and they play and socialize with other dogs their size and temperament.  Come see us and we will give you a personal tour. I know you will see the difference.


Our daycare programs differ from others by the way we manage your dog’s day. Your dog will be in a group of dogs that they are familiar with because they form a pack or social group. This group can and will change to some degree each time your dog visits because we have new dogs visit each week. Our trained staff monitors the group for any rough play or dominating issues and eliminates any problems before they happen. Our daycare days consist of an early trip to the roof to get some bathroom time and to stretch their legs. They then come downstairs to their playrooms and spend the next couple of hours with their regular pack to play and socialize. This becomes the normal rotation through the day and we offer the groups rest time from 11AM till 12PM. This gives them a break and the handlers a lunch break.  Our clients have expressed that this schedule has provided a tired and happy dog and that is exactly what they want. We learn from you the owner and the dog what group of dogs would best suite your pooch. Tthe dogs are supervised throughout the day and normally certain days of the week have the same dogs in our play groups so your dogs will typically play with the dogs they know. When a new dog is temperament tested and ready to play we will slowly integrate them into a group that best fits their needs. We also provide full disclosure so if you have a pet here, you are welcome to visit anytime during business hours.


We do not allow any dog to pick on another dog for any reason. If it is not play it is stopped immediately.



dog days day careNormal Business Hours are M – F 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Saturdays offer full days of daycare with special drop off and pickup times. 8-10am and 4-6pm.


You can purchase your Daycare and Boarding Packages on our website, below. Click on the PayPal button under the package you wish to purchase.


Full Day


20 Full Days – $480 ($24/day) Must be used within a 90 day period. (A $280 savings off of the daily rate)

10 Full Days – $280 ($28/day) Must be used within a 90 day period. (A $100 savings off the daily rate)

5 Full Days – $155 ($31/day) Must be used within a 90 day period. (A $35 savings off the daily rate)

Drop off rate for a single day is $38. Daycare days do not have to be used consecutively.



1/2 Day

20 Half Days – $280 ($14/day) Must be used within a 90 day period. (A $140 savings off of the daily rate)

10 Half Days – $160 ($16/day) Must be used within a 90 day period. (A $50 savings off of the daily rate)


5 Half Days – $90 ($18/day) Must be used within a 90 day period. (A $15 savings off of the daily rate)


Drop off rate for a single 1/2 day is $21. Daycare days do not have to be used consecutively. Half Days are 5 hours or under.


A temperament test for daycare is required. Call to schedule today.

LATE FEES: Dogs not picked up before 7pm will be boarded overnight at owner’s expense.